Caffeinated Risk
The monthly podcast for security professionals, by security professionals.Two self proclaimed grumpy security professionals talk security risk, how they’ve managed it in the past and forward looking discussions with guests working in information security and risk management.
Caffeinated Risk
FAIR and ESRM, exploring common ground with Jack Freund
McCreight & Leece
Season 3
Episode 26
Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) and Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) took different evolutionary paths yet share a lot more commonality than catchy 4 letter acronyms and mainstream adoption by notable organizations like NIST, The Open Group and ASIS international. Jack Freund personifies the term "risk management thought leader" with professional qualifications and public recognitions too long to list, but co-author of Measuring and Managing Information Risk can't go unmentioned since industry peers inducted this seminal title into the Cybersecurity Cannon.
With risk management discussions ranging from banking to defeating door locks, Dr. Freund was consistently insightful, humorous, and a delightful guest.